Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
Brazil Initiative

Brazil Initiative Awards Four Collaboration Grants for the Fall 2014 Cycle

December 15, 2014

Four collaboration grants were awarded for the fall 2014 cycle in the areas of public health, medicine and engineering and computer science. Congratulations to the recipients: Helen Fuchs and Eleftherios Mylonakis, Rami Kantor, Amy Nunn and Gabriel Taubin.

Helen Fuchs and Eleftherios Mylonakis, "Brazil/Brown Network for the Study of Candidiasis"

Fungal infections are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in Brazil and our labs will train Brazilian scientists in molecular biology assays for the study of fungal pathogenesis, to allow them to discover novel diagnostic assays and treatments.

Rami Kantor and Amilcar Tanuri, "Drug Resistance in HIV-1 Subtypes"

The researchers tackle drug resistance, a major hurdle to sustainable treatment of the worldwide AIDS pandemic, by investigating mutation patterns in diverse, global HIV variants.

Amy Nunn and Ines Dourado, "Training, Research Collaborations and Community Engagement to Enhance Brazil's HIV/AIDS Care Continuum"

The Brazil community health fellows program is an exchange program that trains students and fellows from Brown University and Universidade Federal da Bahia in community engaged scholarship related to HIV/AIDS. This experiential learning program takes place both in Brazil and the United States. 

Gabriel Taubin,  "Fundamental Geometry Processing"

This Brazil Collaboration Grant will complement and expand a Science Without Borders grant issued by the Brazilian Government. The research comprises problems in Discrete Differential Geometry at the intersection of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Engineering.