Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs

UNSAM Roundtable Presentation featuring Cecilia Rocha and Ramiro Segura

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

12 noon.

Kim Koo Library, 3rd floor of the Watson Institute, 111 Thayer Street

Visiting researchers from Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM), Argentina will speak about their research. Open to the public.

The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies and the Graduate Program in Development participate in an exchange program with Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM) in Argentina, in which graduate students and faculty travel between the two universities each semester.


Cecilia Rocha Carpiuc (Political Science)
"Collective Action & Multiple Inequalities in Latin America: Domestic Workers' Organizations in Uruguay"

Ramiro Segura (Urban Anthropology)
"Urban Fragmentation and Social Inequalities. Reflections from the Metropolitan Region of Buenos Aires"

Moderated by Professor José Itzigsohn, Department of Sociology