Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Studies (CHRHS)


An Information Hub for Human Rights and Humanitarian Research at Brown

The Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Studies conducts and facilitates interdisciplinary research on pressing global human rights and humanitarian challenges. Here we highlight ongoing and recently completed research projects carried out by the core CHRHS team, affiliated faculty and international fellows.

Core Research

Individuals hold mobile health device

CHRHS conducts and facilitates interdisciplinary research on pressing global human rights and humanitarian challenges. Here we highlight research projects that are being carried out and managed by CHRHS. Projects >

Research Seed Grant Projects

Children painting

CHRHS annually funds pilot research studies through our Seed Grant program. This program is designed to stimulate original, innovation-driven research that addresses topics of disaster preparedness, humanitarian response, and/or post emergency reconstruction. Projects >

Brown Humanitarian and Human Rights Research

Individuals in UNHCR camp

In addition to our core CHRHS projects, there is a wealth of humanitarian and human rights resesarch being conducted across campus. Here we highlight the research being conducted by our affiliated faculty, fellows, and other colleagues at Brown University. Projects >


Here we highlight articles and reports on human rights and humanitarian assistance that have emerged from CHRHS research, seed-funded projects and the work of our affiliated faculty and fellows.