Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
Climate Solutions Lab

LIVE: The Corona Oil Shock

Monday, April 27, 2020

12:00pm – 1:00pm

Watch on Watson's YouTube Channel.

Register here to participate and ask questions in the webinar. 

Join Professors Jeff Colgan and Mark Blyth for a discussion around the implications of COVID-19 on global politics and the environment. An interactive Q&A will follow.

Oil used to be a big story. If it rose we feared inflation. If it fell we celebrated a boost to consumption while worrying about green investments.

Over the past few months, the story about Oil has disappeared under an avalanche of COVID-19 concerns. But its price has collapsed and this time few are celebrating, or even worrying that much. Mark Blyth, Director of the Rhodes Center for International Economics and Finance at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs talks with Professor Jeff Colgan, the Richard Holbrooke Associate Professor of Political Science and International and Public Affairs, about why Oil is still a big story and why we need to pay it more attention.