Wednesday, April 25, 2018
12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Joukowsky Forum
Join Allan da Rosa, Brazilian author and activist, on Black creative arts in São Paulo, Brazil.
Talk will be delivered in Portuguese with simultaneous interpreting.
O encontro traz histórias e reflexões das lutas e espaços negros de São Paulo e do Brasil, traçando relações entre as experiências da diáspora africana e a formação dos pensamentos nacionais durante a modernidade e a explosão urbana, pelas várias formas de resistência e de criação de horizontes em meio a sutil ou virulento racismo. Em questão, também semelhanças e contradições entre os movimentos políticos e estéticos no Brasil, nas Américas e no Caribe, ressaltando fundamentos, linguagens, necessidades e jeitos de brincar e afrontar, por sobrevivência e gosto.
This talk will discuss and reflect upon stories of Black struggles and Black spaces in São Paulo and larger Brazil, tracing relationships between experiences of African diaspora and the formation of national thought with modernity and the explosion of an urban population in Brazil. This relationship will be drawn by means of the various forms of resistance in diaspora and the creation of different creative horizons in the midst of subtle and/or virulent racism. Also in question are the similarities and contradictions between political and aesthetic movements in Brazil, the larger Americas and the Caribbean, in which I will highlight foundations, language, necessities and ways to play with and confront these both for survival and enjoyment.