Thursday, November 7, 2019
6:30pm – 8:00pm
True North Classroom (101), Stephen Robert '62 Hall, 280 Brook Street
Since last June, Hong Kong society has experienced large-scale protests, initially in the form of rallies against a proposed extradition bill, and then transforming into a broader movement focusing on issues of universal suffrage, police accountability, and state surveillance. Many people in Hong Kong and across the world — including here on Brown’s campus — have strong feelings about the protests, and sometimes differing understandings about what is driving them. This discussion forum is intended to allow members of the community to voice their opinions and discuss the issues at hand. The discussion will begin with a brief faculty panel including Professors Rebecca Nedostup (History) and Richard Boucher (Watson). The forum will be moderated by Watson Director Edward Steinfeld. Dinner will be provided.