Cynthia J. Brokaw
Professor of History, Chair of History
Ming, Qing, book culture, late imperial China, print culture, woodblock publishing
Professor of History, Chair of History
Ming, Qing, book culture, late imperial China, print culture, woodblock publishing
Associate Professor of Comparative Literature
Comparative approaches to antiquity, with a focus on: Han dynasty and early Chinese texts; the Afro-Eurasian "Silk Road"; historical narrative; and with broader interests in classical reception; and in economic, environmental, and kinship studies.
Director of the China Initiative
Visiting Professor of International and Public Affairs
Chinese and Russian military strategic development and the China-Russia relationship, including especially the Arctic and also Central Asia.
Louis and Elizabeth Scherck Distinguished Professor Emeritus of the Geological Sciences, Professor of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences (Research)
Assistant Professor of Political Science and International and Public Affairs
Chinese foreign policy, bureaucratic politics, international security
Professor of Comparative Literature
Professor of East Asian Studies
Classical Chinese poetry and fiction, forms of narrative literature, and East Asian and European literature.
Professor of Epidemiology
Professor of Surgery
Professor of Medicine
Professor of Sociology
Urban Sociology, Race & Ethnicity, Migration & Immigration, Family, Political Sociology
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
China studies, anthropological demography, anthropology of reproduction bioethics, gender studies, global health, infectious diseases, medical anthropology, population studies, public health, science and technology studies
Associate Professor of History
China, Taiwan, diaspora, displacement, history, migration, modernity, nationalism, religion, ritual, secularism, state-building, war
Dean's Professor of China Studies
Professor of Political Science
Political economy of contemporary China, political economy of global production and innovation, political economy of energy.
Senior Fellow in International and Public Affairs
Growth, Development, India, China, Trade
Sol Goldman Professor of International Studies and the Social Sciences
Director of the Brown-India Initiative
lndian politics, political economy of development, ethnic conflict and nationalism.
Associate Professor of East Asian Studies
Modern Chinese literature and culture, Gender Studies, Transnational Feminist Theory, and Film Studies.
Associate Professor of Epidemiology
Primarily focused on studying the effects of ambient air pollution on the risk of cardiovascular events and its effects on cardiovascular physiology.
Walter and Lenore Annenberg Professor of Education Policy
Professor of International and Public Affairs
Professor of Political Science
Education governance and politics, school funding reform, accountability and equity issues in the US.