Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Studies (CHRHS)

Student Clinic for Immigrant Justice: Campus Organizer Training

This training initiative will support the creation of an interactive training for Campus Organizers to learn how to develop and maintain Student Clinic for Immigrant Justice (SCIJ) programs, as well as hand off programs to successors. This project will improve SCIJ’s organizational continuity and allow them to grow their impact across the country while supporting existing programs. This training program will provide Campus Organizers with the tools to be successful in their positions and ensure continuity between Campus Organizers year-to-year. The impact of this training will both support the growth of SCIJ’s programs as well as that of the more than two dozen organizations SCIJ partners with in their mission for immigrant justice and liberation.

Expected Outcomes:

Short-Term: During the fall 2021 and spring 2022 semesters, the training will be completed, soliciting feedback from Campus Organizers through virtual conferences to test the program’s efficacy. The outcome of this training will be an interactive “bootcamp,” expedited list of resources that Campus Organizers can refer to as they work in their role, timelines for administering future trainings, and feedback mechanisms to ensure the program can continuously be improved after each iteration. During the summer of 2022 and fall 2022 semester, these resources will be used to train SCIJ’s incoming Campus Organizers, including Brown’s. The outcome of this training will be 3-4 Campus Organizers completing the program in the fall, with potentially more in future years as SCIJ expands.

Long-Term: Beyond the initial training session in Fall 2022, the impact of this project will be SCIJ’s improved ability to train Campus Organizers. Rather than inefficiently training Campus Organizers, which takes a lot of time and resources, SCIJ can focus this energy towards its other operations. As a result, this will improve SCIJ’s overall efficacy, the process for bringing on future Campus Organizers, and their ability to do their jobs organizing for immigrant justice and engaging students in this work.