Maiwen Ngalueth
International Development Specialist with interest in protection of civilians and the intersection of humanitarianism, peacebuilding, and development.
Maiwen has more than a decade of professional experience working in the field of humanitarian action, both in the field and in major capitals. His areas of interest include issues of peace, conflict, and protection of civilians, with special focus on the situation of refugees and internally displaced persons. Maiwen’s experience includes, among others, working for leading humanitarian organizations like UNHCR and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Sudan and South Sudan; ICRC in northeastern Nigeria; the Enough Project in Washington DC; and most recently Geneva Call in Geneva where he coordinates his organization regional programs
Maiwen has a master’s degree in Humanitarian Action from the University of Geneva, where he specialized in advocacy and negotiation. He also acquired a Master of International Affairs at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, where he specialized in global security.