Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
Taubman Center
Logan Tullai

Logan Tullai

2023 Happy and John Hazen White Sr. Intern

Logan is a rising junior at Brown University concentrating in Political Science and Economics. He is on the National Student Board for Every Vote Counts and is also involved with voting access on campus as the Chair of Advocacy for Brown Votes. At Brown, he is a Research Analyst for the Brown Investment Group, managing part of the University's endowment and sails on the Club Sailing Team. Logan has a background in campaign organizing and was an intern for volunteer recruitment on a U.S. Congressional campaign in 2020. In 2022, Logan served as the Field Director for a State House campaign.

As a John Hazen White Intern, Logan is thrilled to be a Legislative Intern for Senator Sheldon Whitehouse in Washington, D.C. this summer. In this role, he has been tasked by senior staffers to draft questions for the record, compose memos on hearings and briefings, write policy letters responding to organizations and constituents, deliver Capitol tours, and perform other diverse tasks. He is excited to learn more about the many pathways in politics and to see policymaking in action. Logan is very grateful to the Taubman Center for American Politics and Policy for supporting this opportunity this summer!