Thursday, March 10, 2022
7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Metcalf Research Building, Friedman Auditorium
This event is for Brown University Community Members only.
Brown University ID is required.
Political Analyst Ana Navarro will discuss freedom under the Constitution as well as her views on the political landscape of the United States for this year’s Alexander Meiklejohn Lecture, sponsored by the Taubman Center for American Politics and Policy. Join Ms. Navarro and Taubman Center Director Wendy Schiller for this important conversation about what might come next in American politics. Ana Navarro is a well-known Republican strategist, political analyst for CNN, CNN en Español, and Telemundo, and co-host of ABC’s The View. Navarro frequently appears on a wide variety of cable and social media outlets across the ideological spectrum.
The Alexander Meiklejohn Lecture was named for civil libertarian, Brown alumnus, and former Brown dean Alexander Meiklejohn, and focuses on the theme of freedom and the U.S. Constitution. Meiklejohn graduated from Brown in 1893, and served as its dean from 1901 to 1912.
Brown University abides by public health guidance and health and safety protocols to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19. Event attendees, including visitors and guests, must comply with all University policies and protocols in place at the time of the event, including current University policy regarding face masks and coverings (see the University’s COVID-19 Campus Activity Status page for the current policy for both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals).