Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
Taubman Center

Research Opportunities


Taubman Center Graduate Research Fellowship Award

The Taubman Center for American Politics and Policy is pleased to provide resources to support three Brown University Ph.D. candidates with proposed research activities that align well with one or more of the Taubman Center themes. The themes of the Center are as follows:

  • Legislative politics and policy advocacy

  • Obstacles to racial, ethnic and gender empowerment

  • Domestic violence and human security

Application Deadline: Fall Term: September 27th

Contact: Othniel Harris


Taubman Research

Taubman Center Undergraduate Research Fellowship on Political Underrepresentation

The Taubman Center for American Politics and Policy is pleased to provide resources to students interested in research on ​political ​underrepresentation​ at the city, state, or federal level. This fellowship of $2,500 will be awarded to five students per semester, and will provide research funding ​to​​ ​undergraduate students who have experience in, or a commitment to, working with issues relating to underserved communities​. 

Application Deadline: Fall Term: September 27th

Contact: Othniel Harris


Taubmans Research