Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
Taubman Center

Bearing the Burden — Implementing Domestic Violence Gun Laws

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

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This panel discusses the gap between laws on the books and their implementation. Panelists will discuss the connections between firearm removal and civil protection orders, explain who is in charge of actual firearm removal in domestic violence situations including the dangers of firearm removal and best practices, and discuss which laws are effective once they are implemented.

Ava Carcirieri, PhD
Director of Special Court Programs, Delaware Family Court
Alexandra Filindra, PhDAssociate Professor of Political Science and Psychology at the University of Illinois Chicago
Shannon Frattaroli, PhDProfessor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, affiliate of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions and Center for Injury Research and Policy

Professor Wendy Schiller (Brown University)

More Information

The University of Connecticut’s Center for Advancing Research, Methods, and Scholarship (ARMS) for Gun Injury Prevention and Brown University’s Taubman Center for American Politics and Policy have jointly collaborated to host a four-part webinar series entitled Bearing the Burden.  The series focuses on gun violence in America, its intersection with domestic violence, and its disproportionate impact on women, especially women of color. The impetus for the series is to bring together the community of scholars who are focusing on these crucial issues across multiple academic disciplines.