January 1, 1994
Survey of state, city or town, or school workers
April 9-18, 1994
Margin of error: +/- 6 %
Are you currently employed by: 36% the state of Rhode Island, 32% a city or town in Rhode Island, or 32% a school district in Rhode Island?
How long have you been employed by the state, city, or school district? 12% 1 year or less, 25% 2 to 5 years, 23% 6 to 10 years, 8% 11 to 15 years, 10% 16 to 20 years, 21% more than 20 years, 1% don't know or no answer
Overall, how satisfied are you with your job now? 49% very satisfied, 41% somewhat satisfied, 10% not very satisfied, 0% don't know or no answer
Do you have a clear sense of what you are supposed to do in your job? 96% yes, 4% no, 0% don't know or no answer
Do you receive at least once a year a formal appraisal of how you are handling your job? 55% yes, 41% no, 4% don't know or no answer
What do you think is more important to advancing in your job: 29% having the proper qualifications, 46% a good performance record, 10% accumulating seniority, 9% having politically connected friends, or 6% don't know or no answer
Do you believe your organization today is more loyal, less loyal, or has about the same level of loyalty to its employees than 10 years ago? 15% more loyal, 38% less loyal, 32% same level, 15% don't know or no answer
Do you think employees of your organization today are more loyal, less loyal, or have about the same level of loyalty to their employer than 10 years ago? 14% more loyal, 35% less loyal, 36% same level, 15% don't know or no answer
Would you advise a friend or family member to seek a future job in Rhode Island government? 45% yes, 48% no, 7% don't know or no answer
Do you feel that citizens in Rhode Island have a lot of respect, some respect, or very little respect for the work that you do now in public service? 18% a lot, 44 % some, 35% very little, or 3% don't know or no answer
In the past year, has anyone in your organization asked you for ideas that could be used to improve performance? 61% yes, 37% no, 2% don't know or no answer
If so, was your idea used? 65% yes, 18% no, 17% don't know or no answer
If someone asked you for one specific idea that could be used to improve the performance of government in Rhode Island, what would it be?
State employees currently do not personally contribute to their health care costs. Do you believe as part of the next round of labor negotiations that state workers should contribute to their health care costs? 46% yes, 43% no, 11% don't know or no answer
Under legislation passed a few years ago, several union leaders currently are eligible for a public pension in Rhode Island even though they are not employed by the government. Do you believe union leaders who do not work for the government should be permitted to qualify for a public pension in Rhode Island? 10% yes, 83% no, 7% don't know or no answer
If a municipal worker is injured and receives a disability pension, should that pension be reduced if the worker gets another full-time job? 78% yes, 15% no, 7% don't know or no answer
We'd like to ask your views about several public officials in Rhode Island. Is your opinion of Governor Bruce Sundlun: 23% favorable, 49% not favorable, 22% undecided, or 6% haven't you heard enough yet to have an opinion?
Is your opinion of Senate Majority Leader Paul Kelley: 13% favorable, 10% not favorable, 17% undecided, or 60% haven't you heard enough yet to have an opinion?
Is your opinion of House Speaker John Harwood: 14% favorable, 12% not favorable, 21% undecided, or 53% haven't you heard enough yet to have an opinion?
Do you or does any member of your household belong to a labor union or teacher's association? 62% yes, 36% no, 2% don't know or no answer
(if yes) How much attention do you feel your union or teacher's association pays to what its members think when it decides what to do? 37% a lot of attention, 33% some attention, 21% not much attention, 9% don't know or no answer
There has been much public discussion about unethical conduct on the part of some government officials in Rhode Island. Have you personally witnessed any cases of what you thought was unethical conduct in government? 21% yes, 76% no, 3% don't know or no answer
If so, was it: 44% in the last year, 19% one to two years ago, 9% three to four years ago, 9% five or more years ago, 19% don't know or no answer
How much impact has the public perception of corruption in government had on your ability to do your job? 9% a great deal of impact, 23% some impact, 65% very little impact, 3% don't know or no answer
Regardless of how you vote, do you usually think of yourself as a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, or something else? 9% Republican, 26% Democrat, 53% Independent, 5% Other, 7% don't know or no answer
Would you describe your political views as: 28% liberal, 42% moderate, 26% conservative, 4% don't know or no answer
Darrell M. West, Thomas J. Anton, and Jack Combs