Thursday, October 19, 2017
12 noon.
Birkelund Boardroom, Watson Institute, 111 Thayer Street
Shane Greene, Indiana University Bloomington
"Born out of a recent book, this talk probes for connections between the viscerality of violence, the vitality of subversive bodies, and the centrality of the maqueta ("demo cassette") to Lima's punk experience. The only medium readily available to punks at the time, the cassette's experiential dimensions are not limited to questions of technological conditions (or their creative overcoming). Rather, I wonder aloud how this particular musical technology of the maqueta might be better understood as a sign and symptom of punk bodies that became both vital and vulnerable during Peru’s war with the Shining Path."
Sponsored by the Andean Project, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) and the Herbert H. Goldberger Lectureship.