Student Spotlight: Michelle Alas Molina ’25
Student Spotlight: Michelle Alas Molina ’25
Breaking out: immigrant Art from Stewart Detention Center
Brown senior wins prestigious Rhodes Scholarship
Student Spotlight: Felipe Félix Méndez ’22
CLACS: The year ahead with Patsy Lewis
Visiting Faculty Spotlight: María Inclán
Kamala Kempadoo - Craig M. Cogut Visiting Professor of Latin American Studies, Fall '20-Spring '21
Student Spotlight: Ella Satish '20
Student Spotlight: Jackson Sales '20
Visiting Faculty Spotlight: Irma Velasquez Nimatuj
Credible fear: Tales from a Texas detention center
Alumni Spotlight: Charlotte Posever ’18, with honors
Student Spotlight: Amalia Perez '18
Lucas González, Cogut Visiting Professor Spring 2018
Vicente Lecuna, Cogut Visiting Professor Spring 2018
Kat Chavez Explores her Passions and Academic Interests through Student Assistant Position at CLACS
Cecilia Rocha, UNSAM Exchange Participant
Luis Miguel Estrada Orozco, Post Doctoral Fellow, Hispanic Studies
Interview with Cogut Visiting Professor Vera Paiva
Exploring the “what, how, and who” of race and indigeneity in the Americas
Interview with Cogut Visiting Professor Florencia Malbrán
Interview with Cogut Visiting Professor Daniel Party
Student Spotlight: Camila Ruiz Segovia '18
Interview with Sarmiento Fellow Guillermo Wilde
Student Spotlight: Justina Hwang, Ph.D. Candidate
Student Spotlight: Katherine Grusky ’17
Student Spotlight: Kimberly Lewis PhD Candidate,
Daniel Rodriguez explains Fidel Castro's deeply divided legacy
Student Spotlight: Luis Achondo PhD '20
Felipe Martínez-Pinzón on the Colombian Referendum
Jimena Ponce de León, Sarmiento Research Fellow
Student Spotlight: Ruby Goldberg '17
Verónica Zubillaga, Cogut Visiting Professor of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Student Spotlight: Amalia Perez '18
Student Spotlight: Charlotte Biren '16
Student Spotlight: Aida Palma '16
Marcelo Leiras, Craig M. Cogut Visiting Professor in Latin American and Caribbean Studies (Spring 2016)
Student Spotlight: Andre Pagliarini, graduate student
Student Spotlight: Carla Alberti, graduate student
Student Spotlight: Aron and Gabriel Lesser ‘15
Student Spotlight: Shane Grannum '15
Student Spotlight: Teresa Cebrián Aranda