Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs

Estevão Fernandes – Queer Indígena e Antiautoritarismo: O Caso Brasileiro (Queer Indigenous and Anti-Authoritarianism): The Case of Brazil

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Joukowsky Forum, 111 Thayer Street

Talk will be in Portuguese (translation will be provided)

Craig M. Cogut Visiting Professor Estevão Fernandes will offer a talk related to his research, which he will further develop over the course of his fall 2019 appointment at CLACS.

Estevão Fernandes is an adjunct professor in the Social Sciences Department at Universidade Federal de Rondônia in Brazil and is the leader of the Amazonian Studies in Latin America Laboratory.