Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs

Puerto Rico: The Unknown US Colony

Thursday, October 3, 2019

7:00pm – 8:30pm

Joukowsky Forum, 111 Thayer Street

Why did the US invade the Latin American nation of Puerto Rico in 1898? How and when did the Puerto Ricans become US citizens? What is the official relationship between Puerto Rico and the US? How is Puerto Rico two years after Maria Hurricane? What is the future of Puerto Rico?

Ángel Collado Schwarz is Adjunct Professor at Columbia University and Yale University. He earned a PhD in Contemporary Latin American History from Universidad Complutense in Madrid specializing in the Cold War era. His recent book on Truman and Puerto Rico is currently a best seller in Puerto Rico.

He has published several books including “Decolonization Models for America’s Last Colony:Puerto Rico” published in Spanish, English and Mandarin. Since 2002 he hosts a weekly radio program on the Caribbean history and culture transmitted on Univision radio in Puerto Rico and New York, The over 850 programs are available at www.vozdelcentro.org . He publishes a monthly Op Ed in the leading newspaper in Puerto Rico.

Collado Schwarz was Chairman of the University of Puerto Rico Press, was a trustee of the University of Puerto Rico and is currently Life Trustee of Syracuse University and Board member of the Barenboim Said Foundation.