Julia Terborg is a sociologist with a PhD in social sciences of the University of Amsterdam, with a long history in social research, in particular in the field of sexuality and reproduction. She combines her academic work with activism in the national and regional women’s health movement. In Suriname she is the president of Foundation ‘Lobi’, which is a member association of International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). Since 1998 she is also an active member of the ‘Latin American and Caribbean Women’s Health Network (LACWHN) and closely involved in the monitoring of several human rights conventions, including CEDAW, ICPD and CRC. At the Anton de Kom University of Suriname, she is lecturing at the faculty of Social Science, and president of the board of the Institute ‘Women, Gender and Development Studies’. She has numerous publications and frequently presented publicly on key social issues.
Tina Harpin is an Associate Professor in Comparative Literature at Université de Guyane, MINEA (Migration, Interculturalité, Éducation en Amazonie). Her research is focused on American and African Francophone and Anglophone literatures; politics, ethics and aesthetics; postcolonial and gender studies; trauma studies; and ecopoetics. She is co-director with Claudine Raynaud of the special issue "Féminismes noirs" in Études littéraires africaines (forthcoming in July 2021) and was co-creator and co-editor of the research blog "FEMPOCO - Féminismes postcoloniaux" on Hypothèses.org (2018-2020).
Pauline Bullen is a professor and Director of the Institute of Gender Studies at the University of Guyana. She is an Interdisciplinary, International, Feminist scholar and "Educulturalist" with a PhD in Sociology and Equity Studies in Education from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Canada.
Alissa Trotz is a Professor of Caribbean Studies at New College and the Director of Women and Gender Studies. She is also affiliate faculty at the Dame Nita Barrow Institute of Gender and Development Studies at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados. She is a member of Red Thread Women’s Organization in Guyana and editor of "In the Diaspora," a weekly newspaper column in the Guyanese daily, Stabroek News. Alissa’s work is situated within a tradition of feminist political economy, and a Caribbean feminist tradition in particular, that takes an intersectional approach to social reproduction as a starting point and node of interrogation to think through histories and processes of dispossession and their contemporary manifestations. Her research trajectory unfolds across related themes that address processes of social reproduction, neoliberalisation & Caribbean feminisms; coloniality, racial formations, gendered difference and violence; transnational migration, remittances and diaspora engagement; and Caribbean knowledge production.
Kamala Kempadoo is a sociologist and Professor in the Department of Social Science at York University, Canada. She studied at the University of Amsterdam, Ohio State University and the University of Colorado-Boulder. She teaches Caribbean Studies, Black Radical and Black Feminist Thought, Sex Work Studies, and Critical Antitrafficking Studies and has published extensively on the Caribbean sex trade and global anti-trafficking discourses.