Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs

Virtual Roundtable: Decoloniality and Brazilian Indigenous Art

Decoloniality Event Poster

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Virtual Event - Registration RequiredPanel will be in Portuguese. Translation to English will be provided.

Decoloniality and Brazilian Indigenous Art is a roundtable discussion about indigenous art and activism through the eyes of Brazilian indigenous artists Yacunã Tuxá, Olinda Tupinambá, Uýra Sodoma, and Juão Nyn. Moderators of this roundtable are Leila Lehnen, Associate Professor & Chair of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies @Brown U and Pedro Mandagara Ribeiro, Professor of Brazilian Literature at the U of Brasília

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Events from our Partners

Speakers Artist Activists:
Yacunã Tuxá
Olinda Tupinambá (Olinda Muniz Silva Wanderley)
Uýra Sodoma (Emerson Pontes)
Juão Nyn

Leila Lehnen Associate Professor & Chair of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies, Brown University
Pedro Mandagara Ribeiro - Professor of Brazilian Literature at the University of Brasília

Marina Adams, Brown University
Ryan Urato, Brown University