Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs

Events from our Partners - Memoryscapes of Slavery

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

2:00 - 3:00 p.m.

Join us either in the Digital Scholarship Lab, on the first floor of the Rockefeller Library (with cookies!), or on Zoom at  https://brown.zoom.us/j/98267444083)


The DH-Salon series is a regular, informal presentation series bringing together digital humanities work across the Brown University campus. Come join us on Zoom or in the Digital Scholarship Lab (room 137) in the Rock! Renée Ater, Provost Visiting Professor in Africana Studies at Brown, will present at this session.

In this presentation, I consider my Omeka site,
 Contemporary Monuments to the Slave Past and its relationship to the digital publication Memoryscapes of Slavery. Highlighting the difference between the two projects, I discuss the ways in which the two projects have a shared common interest in monuments but diverge in the ways that I approach the public facing monument database and scholarly argumentation. Memoryscapes of slavery are the material, spatial, and human dimensions of how the slave past is remembered in the present. Relying on theoretical discussions in the fields of art history and archaeology, memory studies, human geography, and ethnography, I investigate the ways in which memoryscapes of slavery function as dynamic zones of memory interaction between people, objects, and places. 

More information here.

Events from our Partners