Tuesday, April 26, 2022
12:00pm – 1:30pm
Joukowsky Forum, 111 Thayer Street
This is a hybrid event. Register here to join the webinar.
The talk will be given in Spanish and simultaneous English translation will be provided.
Join us for a public interview with Argentine writer Mariana Enriquez, part of the Archives of Silence/Archivos del silencio Lecture Series.
Mariana Enríquez (Buenos Aires, 1973) is considered one of the most spellbinding narrators of her generation. She graduated in Journalism from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata and writes for Radar, the arts and culture supplement of the Argentinian newspaper Página/12. Enríquez has published two novels -BAJAR ES LO PEOR (Espasa Calpe, 1995) y CÓMO DESAPARECER COMPLETAMENTE (Emecé, 2004)- and a collection of short stories, LOS PELIGROS DE FUMAR EN LA CAMA (Emecé, 2009). Some of Enríquez’s stories have been published in the collections LA JOVEN GUARDIA (2006), UNA TERRAZA PROPIA (2006), EN CELO (2007) and LOS DÍAS QUE VIVIMOS EN PELIGRO (Emecé, 2009), as well as in Granta en Español and English magazines like New Yorker, McSweeney’s, Granta UK, Virginia Quarterly Review and Asymptote. She also has a collection of chronicles on cemeteries she has visited throughout the world, titled ALGUIEN CAMINA SOBRE TU TUMBA (2014). Her story collection LAS COSAS QUE PERDIMOS EN EL FUEGO (2016) entered the bestseller lists in Spain and Argentina, and is translated into 24 languages.