Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs

Quechua & Aymara voices facing the crisis of the Peruvian state / Voces quechua y aymara frente a la crisis del Estado peruano

Voices facing the crisis

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

12:00pm – 2:00pm

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Local representatives from different communities in the Peruvian Andes will talk about their experiences in the political struggles that have impacted Peruvian society since December 2022. Among other issues, they will talk about the reasons that motivate the Andean communities that support these protests and what the Peruvian media hides about the military, police and judicial repression against them.

Representantes locales de diferentes comunidades de los Andes peruanos conversarán sobre sus experiencias en las luchas políticas que desde diciembre del 2022 atraviesan a la sociedad peruana. Entre otros asuntos, ellos hablarán de las razones que motivan a las comunidades andinas a apoyar estas protestas y de lo que los medios peruanos ocultan sobre la represión militar, policial y judicial contra ellos.

Kelyn Leonela Labra Panocca, President of the Cusco University Federation
Samuel Carbajal Tacuri, Anthropology student at the San Cristóbal de Huamanga-Ayacucho National University
Vitka Vanesa Padilla Huaman, Community psychologist, human rights activist and social fighter
Gavina Córdova Cusihuamán, Education teacher and activist
Luz Alfaro, Secretary of the Organization of Aymara Women of Ilave (OMOACI)
Lourdio Flores, Andean singer-songwriter