Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs

CLACS Reading Group | Ecuador Cuenta: The Voices of Andean Women Writers| Natalia García Freire

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

1:00pm – 2:30pm

84 Prospect Street, Music Room

About the Event

Discuss the short story collection La máquina de hacer pájaros by Ecuadorian writer Natalia García Freire (Madrid: Páginas de Espuma, 2024). 

Natalia García Freire (Cuenca, Ecuador, 1991) is a Creative Writing, short story, and novel instructor at the Escuela de Escritores in Madrid. Her first novel, Nuestra piel muerta, has been translated into English, Turkish, French, Italian, and Danish. Her second novel is Trajiste contigo el viento. Her short story collection La máquina de hacer pájaros offers us an opportunity to discuss themes of body, gender, and memory, addressing topics that interest all of us for various reasons.


Conversar sobre el libro de cuentos La máquina de hacer pájaros de la escritora ecuatoriana Natalia García Freire (Madrid: Páginas de Espuma, 2024).

A continuación, compartimos una breve presentación de la autora y del libro que leeremos:

Natalia García Freire (Cuenca, Ecuador, 1991) es profesora de Escritura Creativa, relato breve y novela en la Escuela de Escritores de Madrid. Su primera novela, Nuestra piel muerta, ha sido traducida al inglés, turco, francés, italiano y danés. Su segunda novela es Trajiste contigo el viento. Su libro de cuentos La máquina de hacer pájaros nos ofrece la oportunidad de conversar sobre cuerpo, género y memoria, abordando temas que nos interesan a todos por diversas razones.

About the Group

You are warmly invited to join us for the entire series or individual sessions, depending on your availability and interest in discovering new Ecuadorian authors.

Often dubbed the “flea-country of South America,” Ecuador may be small in size, but its contemporary literary contributions, especially those crafted by women writers, are remarkably significant. This reading group will delve into the country’s vibrant literary scene, exploring how Ecuador not only matters but also tells—narrating stories with powerful voices actively participating in a broader transformation in Latin American literature. This literary renewal is led primarily by women writers from various countries, with Ecuadorian authors at the forefront.

The novelists and short story writers we will focus on—Daniela Alcívar Bellolio (1982-), María Fernanda Ampuero (1976-), Natalia García Freire (1991), Mónica Ojeda (1988-), and Gabriela Ponce (1977-)—nurture an almost umbilical connection to Ecuador’s diverse natural and urban landscapes, from the dangerous coastal city of Guayaquil to the neighborhoods of Quito and the Andean highlands.

To receive a free copy of the book and start reading in preparation for our upcoming meeting, please get in touch with us (abel_castano_bravo@brown.edu or erica_durante@brown.edu) (available on a first-come, first-served basis).


Para obtener una copia gratuita del libro y comenzar la lectura en preparación para nuestro próximo encuentro, les pedimos que se pongan en contacto con nosotros (abel_castano_bravo@brown.edu o erica_durante@brown.edu) (first come first served).