April 5, 2016 Watson News Office
Dr. Janice Gallagher and undergraduate students Camila Ruiz Segovia and Paula Martínez Gutiérrez have launched an online interactive timeline of events surrounding the disappearance of 43 Mexican students in Ayotzinapa, Mexico. The timeline begins with the attack on 80 unarmed students from the Rural Teacher's College of Ayotzinapa by municipal police forces on the Night of Iguala—September 26, 2014—and ends with the 2016 backlash against The Expert Group and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
The Ayotzinapa Timeline Website (www.ayotzinapatimeline.org) includes an introduction to the project, key related documents, and the timeline itself. The website is available in English and in Spanish.
Janice Gallagher is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs. She is a CLACS Affiliated Faculty Member. Camila Ruiz Segovia is a Brown University undergraduate (Class of 2018), studying political science and Latin American and Caribbean studies. Paula Martínez Gutiérrez, another Brown undergraduate (Class of 2017), studies international relations and history.
Gallagher et. al. have also published a bilingual article with Open Democracy entitled "Human rights at a crossroads: 18 months after Ayotzinapa." You can read the complete article here.
On November 19, 2014 CLACS hosted a teach-in on the events of Ayotzinapa, featuring Janice Gallagher, PaulaMartínez Gutiérrez, Atenea Rosado Viurques, Camila Ruiz Segovia, and Richard Snyder. You can watch a webcast of the event here, and visit a webpage about Brown's involvement in the #Ayotzinapa movement here.
This news piece was prepared by Emma Strother.