Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs

CLACS Field Research Grants


The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) is accepting applications from Brown University Ph.D. students for Field Research Grants, for short periods of research lasting from two weeks to 4 months. Successful applicants receive up to $4,000 to support research travel during calendar year 2025 to Latin America and the Caribbean. Typical awards range from $1000-$2500, but amounts awarded will vary depending on the number of applications approved. While candidates who will be conducting research in their pre-candidacy stage are prioritized, those who are in their third and fourth years of Ph.D. support are also welcome to apply. Proposals for funding should outline clear research questions, methodologies, and subjects/collections/materials of study. Funding is not applicable for tuition, language training, field schools, or travel-study programs, whether led by faculty at Brown or other universities. Recipients must be able to present a public lecture or poster in person at CLACS prior to the end of the spring 2026 semester.

An applicant must submit:

1)  A curriculum vitae including contact information

2)  A brief project proposal (no more than 500 words) outlining the research plan and goals for travel. If you have previously received funding through this program, please indicate how your proposed research differs from your previously funded work and list the amounts you previously received.

3) A simple budget for the research, including all other funding sources that are confirmed or pending (including the Joukowsky Summer Research Award, matching funds from the graduate school, department funding, etc.)

4)  A letter of support emailed directly from a faculty mentor, including confirmation that a student is in good standing (i.e., with no pending incomplete grades in courses or behind on major degree milestones).

Materials may be submitted in Spanish, English, or Portuguese. Items 1, 2 and 3 must be submitted in a single PDF file. Apply here. 

Please have the faculty mentor email letter of support directly to maria_isabel_marin@brown.edu and clacs@brown.edu subject line 'Letter of Support for (graduate student name) Field Research Funding.

Application and letter of support due by March 21st, 2025