Friday, September 20, 2013
2:30pm – 4:30pm
Joukowsky Forum, Watson Institute111 Thayer Street
Free admission
Reception to follow
Is India a Breakout or a Breakdown Nation?
Please join us for a lecture and discussion with RUCHIR SHARMA, head of Emerging Markets and Global Macro at Morgan Stanley Investment Management.
Sharma has been a writer for even longer than he has been an investor. He has been a contributing editor with Newsweek and has penned essays for publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, New York Times, Foreign Affairs, and Economic Times.
Sharma is one of the world's largest investors and typically spends one week every month in a different emerging market where he meets leading politicians, top CEOs as well as local opinion-makers and investors.
Sharma is the author of the book, Breakout Nations: In Pursuit of the Next Economic Miracles which has since become an international best seller since being released in April 2012.