Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
Center for Contemporary South Asia

Lakshmi Padmanabhan

PhD Candidate in Modern Culture and Media
Summer Fellow 2015


Lakshmi's 2015 summer research project was titled, "India’s Daughter: Sexual Violence, Sovereign Power, and Neoliberal Critique."

Lakshmi Padmanabhan is a PhD student in the Department of Modern Culture and Media and an MA student in the Department of History at Brown University. Her research interests include sexual violence and the formation of the nation-state, queer of color critique, south asian feminist history and media, and the intersections of performance and political protest. She has a publication entitled, “Watching Time: Slumdog Millionaire and National Ontology”The Slumdog Phenomenon: A Critical Anthology, ed. Ajay Gehlawat, London: Anthem Press, 2013.