Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
Center for Contemporary South Asia

Mizan Khan

Technical Lead of the LDC Universities’ Consortium on Climate Change (LUCCC)



Prof. Mizan R. Khan has a Ph.D in Environmental Policy and Management from the University of Maryland
School of Public Policy, MD, USA. Currently he serves as an Independent Consultant, along with serving as the
Technical Lead & Coordinator of the LDC Universities’ Consortium on Climate Change (LUCCC), which is an
official program of the LDC governments. He served at North South University (NSU), Dhaka as Chair of the
Department of Environmental Science & Management (DESM) during 2003-2009 and had been Director of
External Affairs at NSU during 2015. He was an Adjunct Professor at the Natural Resources Institute (NRI),
University of Manitoba, Canada, during 2009-2013. Dr. Khan had been a Visiting Professor/Fellow at the School
of Public Policy, University of Maryland at College Park, MD, USA during Fall 2018; Universite de Poitiers,
France in February 2015 & at Brown University, USA during the Spring & Fall of 2012, Spring of 2013 and Fall
of 2016.

Prof. Khan was a Lead Author of tAR5 of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Currently, he
serves as the Coordinating Lead Author of the Global Environment Outlook (Geo-7) being drafted under UNEP
sponsorship. From August 1981 he served at the Bangladesh Institute of International & Strategic Studies
(BIISS), Dhaka, where he was a Research Director during May 1998–June 2001. Before joining NSU, he served
for more than four years (Jan 1999- March 2003) as UNDP Environment Policy Specialist, working with the
Govt. of Bangladesh. In the early 1990s, he worked for 3 years as a Senior Researcher at the Centre for
International Development and Conflict Management (CIDCM) of the UMCP, MD. He was Vice Chair of the
LDC Expert Group under the UNFCCC during 2002-2004. Since 2001, Dr. Khan was involved in writing all the
climate change-related national documents submitted to the UNFCCC secretariat. The latest is the NAP of
Bangladesh, where he has written the financing strategy for NAP. He was one of the 20 –member Advisory Body
nominated by the Government to guide the formulation of the 8 th 5YP. He attends climate negotiations as the lead
on climate finance with the Bangladesh delegation since 2001. He serves as an invited speaker in global expert
meetings on climate change.

Dr. Khan has a wide range of publications, including three books: The Paris Framework for Climate Change
Capacity Building (Lead of four authors: London, Routledge: 2018), Toward a Binding Climate Change
Adaptation Regime: A Proposed Framework (London & New York: Routledge 2014, 2015), and Power in A
Warming World: The New Politics of Climate Change and the Remaking of Environmental Inequality (co-
authored with David Ciplet & Timmons Roberts, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2015); Khan, M. et al. (2024).
International air passenger adaptation solidarity levy (forthcoming); Rashid, S., Khan, M.R. & Haque, N.
(2023). Does climate finance enhance mitigation ambitions of recipient countries? Earth System
Governance, Vol. 17. Khan & Huq (2023). Challenges of Climate Change Adaptation in Developing Countries:
Expectations from the G20 Leadership, Development Cooperation R Review (DCR), August; Khan & Huq (2023).
Just and Green Transition in Bangladesh. In: Bhattacharya & Khasras (eds). Key to Climate Action, Brookings,
Washington, DC; Khan, M.R., Munira, S. (2021). Climate change adaptation as a global public good: implications
for financing. Climatic Change 167, 50; Khan, et al. (2021), High density population and displacement in
Bangladesh, Science 18 June, Vol 372, issue: 6538; Khan, et al. (2020), 25 years of adaptation finance through a
climate justice lens, Climatic Change (special issue); Khan, et. al. (2020),