Visiting Faculty, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Professor Emerita of Social Science at York University, Canada
Kamala Kempadoo, of Guyana/Barbados, is a sociologist and Professor Emerita of Social Science at York University, Canada. Her expertise includes Caribbean, Black and transnational feminisms, Black Radical Thought, and sex worker and critical antitrafficking studies. She has published extensively on the Caribbean sex trade and global anti-trafficking discourses. Most recently she is the co-editor, with Halimah A. F. DeShong, of the collection Methodologies in Caribbean Research on Gender and Sexuality and with Brown professor, Elena Shih, of White Supremacy, Racism and the Coloniality of Anti-Trafficking. She was the Cogut Visiting Professor at CLACS for spring 2021 and is again visiting in Fall 2023 semester.
Professor Kempadoo served as director of the Graduate Program in Social and Political Thought at York University and temporarily as head of the Centre for Gender and Development Studies at the University of the West Indies in Jamaica. She is the recipient of various awards, including the Distinguished Scientific Award of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Caribbean Studies Association.