PhD candidate in History, Suvaid Yaseen was recently awarded the Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowships 2021 for his project titled "Islamic Intersections: Religion and Politics in Kashmir in the Long Twentieth Century."
This project examines Muslim reform movements, colonial modernity, and literary cultures in Kashmir in the long twentieth century. Based upon vernacular, subaltern records across colonial and postcolonial periods, it challenges the conventional dichotomies between “reformist orthodoxy” and “popular Sufism” in the historiography on Islam in the Indian subcontinent as well as the theoretical binaries between “religious” and “secular.” Studying Islamic revivalist movements like the Ahl-i Hadith and the Jamaat-e Islami in Kashmir on their own terms, the project charts “intellectual histories from below” and makes a case for recuperating wide-ranging forms of political imagination and modalities of religious thought, as well as transregional movement and local politics.
Melanie White, PhD candidate in Africana Studies and Kareem Estefan, PhD candidate in Modern Culture and Media were receipients of this award.
Congratulations, Suvaid, Melanie, and Kareem!