Middle East Studies
Sherena Razek

Sherena Razek

Department: Modern Culture and Media

Sherena Razek is a diasporic Palestinian-Canadian feminist educator, activist, scholar and labor organizer. She is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Modern Culture and Media at Brown University and President of the Graduate Labor Organization. She works and teaches on Palestinian visual cultures, international indigenous solidarities and decolonial ecologies. 

"Mediating Palestinian Decolonial Ecologies"

Sherena Razek spent two months in Palestine conducting research for her dissertation tentatively titled "Attuning to the Elements: Palestinian Decolonial Ecologies." She was also enrolled in the Palestinian Arabic Studies Program at Birzeit University where she participated in a seminar on the Question of Palestine that involved multiple trips to different ecological and political sites of significance to her project. In this short presentation she will select a few photographs taken during this research trip to discuss.